Thursday, October 16, 2008

Term 4 Week 4 : Formula One Racing

Hi Everyone,

The Formula One Racing is launched in Singapore for the first time from 26 to 28 September 2008. It is also the first time that the F1 race is taking place at night. Since this is such a great international event, I would like you to take the opportunity to learn some things about F1. The websites you can visit are:

For the second website, please go to the FAQ and read the questions and answers. After reading the information in the websites, I would like you to write your personal response to F1 racing. To help you along, I have given you some questions below:

1. What is FI ?
2. When and where did FI first start?
3. In which cities are FI held?
4. Do you think Singapore should stage the FI? Why?
5. What benefits do Singapore get for staging the FI?
6. Who is your favourite F1 driver?
7. Why do you like him?
8. Is there anything you like or dislike about the F1? What is it?
9. Did you watch the F1 race? If you did, share with us your experience of watching the race.


Hi everybody.This post will tell you about the F1 Racing held at Marina Bay in Singapore and also more about F1 Racing around the world.'F1' is actually Formula One. F1 is a racing car .The first F1 racing was in the 1950's.It was held the cities such at Paris.I think the Singapore should stage F1 because they have shown it in other countries but it should be stage it in Asia too.I like Kimi Raikkonen.He is the winner of the F1 Racing that was held in Singapore.He had lots of believe in himself and also sportsmanship that was in him.What I like about F1 Racing is that when the viewers encourage the racers to move on,the drivers would continue to give their best effort to move on and win for the race.Yes,I did watch the F1 racing on television.I think that the racers worked very hard to strive and also win this competition and I know that even if we don't win,we have the excellence to do our very best to win the competition.I watched what my father has recorded on his phone and I saw how fast the racers raced.My father is the police that was guarding the F1 racing too. I really enjoyed knowing more about the F1 Racing and I will always put in excellence to do my very best to acheive :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Term 4 Week 3 : Recycling

This week's reflection is prompted by Mr Koo, the Green Club Teacher.
Recycling is essential as many of the things we throw away can be reused. To help you with the reflection, I have listed some questions below:
1. What do you understand by 'recycling'?
2. Why is it necessary to recycle things?
3. What are the various ways in which things can be recycled?
4. Do you practise recycling?
5. If so, what do you recycle? How do you recycle the materials?
6. Do you think the school is doing enough in recycling?
7. What can the school do to help in the recycling process?
8. What message would you tell your friends and classmates about recycling?
Write your reflection soon. I am anxiously waiting to read your response.


When you throw things that are recyclable item in to the recycling bin that is called ' recycling'.I understand that recycling is to reuse things after you throw them in the bin.Last week, my school actually had a recycling competition.We had to bring newspapers, plastic bottles and aluminium cans.Most of the other classes brought a stack of newspapers.It was stacked up at the back of their classrooms so high! I think they did a very good job to win this recycling competition.It is necessary to recycle things because we can reuse things that recyclable.

You can recycle by reusing plastic bottles such as Green Tea , Coca Cola Zero and more, to put in plain water or use it for Arts & Crafts.For plastic bags , we can bring along to reuse it to bring it to supermarkets and mini marts too.For aluminium cans, you can just throw it in the recycling bin or do more stuff with it.There are many ways to recycle things.

I practise my recycling by taking either the yellow or green recycling bag that is usually placed outside my house and put newspapers,plastic bottles,aluminium cans and more.After that, I would put it inside the large green recycling bin downstairs.There was a time when I wanted to recycle my things,the recycling bin was full of yellow and green plastic bags.I think most from my area really help the place get more cleaner and cleaner.

I think the school has done a good job in recycling.They do understand what is recycling.I saw that the classes have braought alot of recyclable items everyday to win the competition that Mr Koo has organised.I really think it is a great idea for organising a recycling competiton for the whole school.It help them to learn about recycling more.I think the school should recycling more not just to win the competition but to keep the envoirment clean.

This is the message to everyone:

Keep recycling and don't stop. It is important to keep the envoirment clean.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Term 4 Week 1 : Reading

Hi Everyone,
We all know that reading helps us in many ways. However, with the greater use of computer, it appears to face a great competitor - computer games. In your blog, I would like you to reflect on the importance of reading. Here are some questions to help you in writing your reflection:
1. Do you think reading is important?
2. What do you usually read?
3. How many books or magazines do you read in a month?
4. Why do you read/not read?
5. Do you think that computer games are affecting pupils in their reading?
6. How can the school encourage more pupils to read?
7. If you were to recommend one book which everyone must read, what would it be?
I am looking forward to reading your reflection.


High School Musical : Stories From the East High

Fairy rescue by Gwyneth Rees

Hannah Montana

Reading is an important thing to do.It helps us to improve in our English or maybe have fun reading a favourite book.I usually read book that involves fairies and also some of the storybooks I read are shows that are shown on television.Like Hannah Montana,High School Musical and more.In a month,I usually read 3 storybooks and for magazines,I usually read only about 1 or more.I read book that has 100+ pages and I do not like to read books that contain big words or word that cannot be seen propely,like tiny words.Sometimes,computer games might affect our reading but sometimes,we can read by browsing some stories in the computer.I think that our school can encourage more students to read by asking them to go to the library to borrow books that they like. If I were to recommend one book which everyone must read,it would be books that involve subjects like English,Maths,Science and maybe Arts & Crafts.

Picture(s) From: Google

Friday, September 5, 2008

Holiday Homework 4 (T3Wk10): Computer Games

Hi Everyone,
There has been a lot of discussions about students spending a lot of time playing computer games. In this week, I would like you to reflect on this issue. If you spend a lot of time playing computer games, you will have no problem giving your views. However, for those who do not play computer games, you are encouraged to give your opinions too. To help you in writing your reflection, I have listed some questions below:
1. Do you play computer games? If you do, why do you do so? If not, why are you not doing so?
2. What computer game/s do you play?
3. Why are you attracted to the computer game?
4. Do you think many students play computer games? Why do you think they do so?
5. How many hours do you spend playing computer games in one week?
6. Do you think playing computer games will affect your studies? Please explain.
7. Are you aware that people can be addicted to computer games? If so, what are you doing about it?
Hope to read your response soon.


I do play computer games. I play them to entertain myself when I'm bored at home or I have nothing to do.Sometimes I play games that teach me subjects but sometimes I play games that involves action , adventure or any games that are interesting.I'm attracted to computer games because sometimes its fun and sometimes I have to study by playing games that involves subjects such as English,Mathematics,Science or maybe Malay (MT) . I think most of the student plays computer games because they are boring at home or they do not have anything to do. I usually play computer games for about 1 hour daily.Sometimes, it will affect your studies but sometimes you can learn through playing games that involves subjects that are taught by your teacher.I am aware that people can be addicted to computer games.I am going to study more than playing such games.

Holiday Homework 3(T3Wk 9): The Olympics Games

Hi Everyone,
The Olympics Games is over and Singapore has finally got a medal. For this week, I want you to reflect on the Olympics and what it means to you. To help you with your reflection, I have listed some questions below:
1. What is the origin of 'Olympics' ?
2. Why is it such an important event in sports?
3. Have you watched any Olympic event? Why/Why not?
4. Which athlete/s or event impresses you most? Why?
5. Would you like to participate in the Olympics Games? If so, what event would you like to take part and why?
6. Do you think it is worth organising the Olympics? Why?
Please post your response in your blog. Love to read it soon.


The 'Olympics' were created in Greece to help the soldiers stay strong and in shape while not at war with events such as shot put, people were trained as human cannons,pole vault and high jump helped people get over large walls.We can strengthen ourselves and sport are mostly for entertainment.I have watched the Olympics . I watch the Olympics because it helps me to try out this sports and improve in my P.E. (not weightlifting or any villain sports (: ) I'm impress with team Singapore in table tennis , Jing Junhong , Li Jia Wei , Tan Paey Fern , Wang Yue Gu , You Meng Yu and Zhang Xueling.I wouldn't participate in the Olympics.I think it is worth organising the Olympics because we can know how long has this athlete train and may be after few months or years , has this person improve in the Olympics or is it its first time being in it.It also can show their skills in the sport that are doing.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Holiday Homework 2 (T3Wk8): National Day

Hi Everyone, we have just celebrated our National Day. P5 also attended the NE Show which is similar to the National Day Parade.

For our holiday homework, we will reflect on the significance of National Day.

To guide you , I have posed some questions below:

1. What is National Day?

2. Why do we celebrate National Day?

3. How did you celebrate National Day?

4. What do you think of our school's National Day celebration?

5. In what ways can we improve in our celebration of National Day?

In your reflection, do include some photographs of National Day celebration if you have. I am looking forward to reading your response.


National Day is a day when independence was achieved.The National Day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence or the introduction of a democratic constitution. I celebrated National Day with my classmates and friends at school.They included games and activities for us to play with.During lessons we had time to made cards of Singapore Flyer and put it outside our classroom.We also sang some of this year's National Day Songs.Our school's National Day celebration was interesting and fun.We can maybe add more games to the celebration and also more fun activities for us to do in class!That would be more fun!I thought maybe we can also do an appreciation to Singapore by designing e-postcards and show them during assembly.Always remember this,we are made from Singapore ;D I hope that Singapore will be clean & green and also be a great place for happy Singaporeans to stay in and have fun!

Picture of fireworks is from Google.

Another made my me.Using Ulead Photo Express 0.3.

Holiday Homework 1 (T3Wk7): Copyright

Hi Everyone,

This week, you will reflect on what you have learnt about 'copyright'. In order to help you with your reflection, I have put up some questions:
1. What is 'copyright'?
2. Give some examples of resources that have copyright.
3. Why do you think it is wrong to infringe on the copyright of others?
4. What do you have to do if you want to use the materials of others?
5. What may happen if you use the materials of others without their permission?
6. Have you seen others infringing on the copyright of others? What did they do?
7. What can you do to make sure that you do not infringe on the copyright of others?
In order to understand the issues of copyright, you might want to check this link:
I am eagerly waiting to read your response.


A copyright protects an original artistic work. Copyright - symbolized ©.They are publish, copy and distribute a piece of writing, music, picture or other work of authorship;they are the examples of resources that have copyright.It is really wrong to infringe on the copyright of other because we did not have its permission.If you want to use others' materials, you have to get the authors or owners permission before you take it.You might be fined when you copyright.I have seen people copying pictures without sending any permission to the author or owner.Its either you ask for the author's permission or you acknowledge where the pictures were from.