Thursday, September 4, 2008

Holiday Homework 2 (T3Wk8): National Day

Hi Everyone, we have just celebrated our National Day. P5 also attended the NE Show which is similar to the National Day Parade.

For our holiday homework, we will reflect on the significance of National Day.

To guide you , I have posed some questions below:

1. What is National Day?

2. Why do we celebrate National Day?

3. How did you celebrate National Day?

4. What do you think of our school's National Day celebration?

5. In what ways can we improve in our celebration of National Day?

In your reflection, do include some photographs of National Day celebration if you have. I am looking forward to reading your response.


National Day is a day when independence was achieved.The National Day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence or the introduction of a democratic constitution. I celebrated National Day with my classmates and friends at school.They included games and activities for us to play with.During lessons we had time to made cards of Singapore Flyer and put it outside our classroom.We also sang some of this year's National Day Songs.Our school's National Day celebration was interesting and fun.We can maybe add more games to the celebration and also more fun activities for us to do in class!That would be more fun!I thought maybe we can also do an appreciation to Singapore by designing e-postcards and show them during assembly.Always remember this,we are made from Singapore ;D I hope that Singapore will be clean & green and also be a great place for happy Singaporeans to stay in and have fun!

Picture of fireworks is from Google.

Another made my me.Using Ulead Photo Express 0.3.

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