Thursday, July 10, 2008

Unit 8: Indian Folk Tales (Part II)

Dear children, now that you have read many folktales, I would like to challenge you to write your own Singaporean folktales. You may want to use the given format below:

Title of Singaporean folktale:

Characters in the story:

Introduction of the story:

Problems in the story:

Solutions to the problems in the story:

Conclusion of the story:

What is the moral of your Singaporean folktale?

Have fun!


The Black Ants and Red Ants.

The characters in this story are the Black Queen Ant , Red Queen Ant, The black ant army and the red ant army.It is a story about two ant army that always fight about the food that black/red ants has more than the black/red ants.The problem is they do not want to SHARE their found food.Usually, the black and red ants would always be proud of themselves when they found food that can be eaten.They had a battle to fight.They challenged to get more food.The army that won will win all the enemy's food.At the end once the queen ants talk to each other , they decided to SHARE the food that they had with the red/black ants.

The moral of this story is to SHARE with your siblings or your friends.

1 comment:

Chloe said...

Hi Siti ,

Where is your labels ?

I hope you will put them ^^